Welcome to Achariya Siksha Mandir, Celebrating TWO decades of excellence in education
  • +91 94422 55369
    +91 63691 35002
  • asm.kkl@achariya.org

Wow Activities

Divya Darshan

In our unwavering commitment to emancipate children from the burden of spectacles, we strive to bestow upon them the gift of unblemished, natural eyesight, fostering not only visual clarity but also unlocking the boundless potential within, sculpting their faces with the radiance of genuine beauty, and empowering them to emerge as real-life heroes, casting aside the shackles of eyewear to embrace a future of limitless possibilities and unfettered vision.

Brain Mapping Intelligence Test

Utilizing advanced neuroimaging techniques such as functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and electroencephalography (EEG), brain mapping serves as a sophisticated tool to elucidate the intricate landscape of neural activity by creating a comprehensive visual representation, dissecting the multifaceted interplay of signals, wavelengths, and functional regions within the enigmatic realm of the brain, thereby facilitating a nuanced understanding of cognitive processes and paving the way for breakthroughs in neuroscience research and medical applications.

Divya Dhirishti

DIVYA DHRISTI aims to engage and stimulate all areas of the brain for enhanced learning and cognitive development. The idea is to go beyond traditional methods and involve multiple sensory modalities and learning styles to optimize the learning experience.

strategies emphasize a holistic approach to learning that involves various aspects of cognition, emotion, and physical movement. These strategies often include: Multisensory Learning: Engaging multiple senses (sight, sound, touch, etc.) in the learning process to enhance understanding and memory retention.

Cross-Lateral Movement: Incorporating activities that involve both sides of the body, which is believed to stimulate communication between the brain's hemispheres. Emotional Engagement: Recognizing the role of emotions in learning and creating a positive and supportive learning environment. Mindfulness and Relaxation Techniques: Incorporating practices such as mindfulness, meditation, or relaxation exercises to promote focus and reduce stress.

Interactive and Collaborative Learning: Encouraging group activities and discussions to foster social interaction and collaborative problem-solving. Art and Creativity: Integrating creative activities, such as drawing, music, and drama, to stimulate different parts of the brain.


The ancient art of Mallakhamb at our school. Our dedicated program introduces students to this traditional Indian sport, promoting physical fitness, balance, and mental focus. Through expert guidance and purpose-built facilities, we provide a unique opportunity for students to engage with this cultural and athletic discipline, fostering both physical and mental well-being.


Discover the grace and agility of Silambham, a traditional Indian martial art, at our school. Through specialized training and expert guidance, students have the opportunity to explore this ancient discipline, promoting physical fitness, discipline, and cultural appreciation. Join us in fostering a connection to our heritage while nurturing the holistic development of students through the art of Silambham.


With a focus on critical thinking and concentration, students engage in chess lessons and tournaments to sharpen their minds. Our chess initiative not only fosters a love for the game but also enhances cognitive skills, promoting a holistic approach to education that goes beyond the traditional classroom setting.

Rubik cube

Rubik cube - Students delve into the art of solving this iconic puzzle, fostering spatial awareness, patience, and logical thinking. It promots a fun and intellectually stimulating environment where students unlock the secrets of the Rubik's Cube, cultivating skills that transcend the classroom.

Sports Day

From thrilling races to friendly competitions, a day dedicated to celebrating the spirit of athleticism and sportsmanship. Our students showcase their skills, determination, and teamwork, creating memorable moments that embody the vibrant energy of our school community

Extra Curricular Activities

For Students have the opportunity to participate in a variety of Extra-curricular activities during their time at school — in sport, music For personal development

  • They can help your child build their skills outside of the classroom
  • They provide social opportunities.
  • The following ECA Activities provide a productive break from study
  • Keyboard
  • Chess
  • Skating
  • Table tennis
  • Drums
  • Classical dance
  • Western dance
  • Karate
  • Taekwondo
  • Athletics
  • Violin
  • Silambam
  • Lawn tennis
  • Veena
  • Mallakhamb


Dive into a world of sports excellence at our school, where we foster physical fitness, teamwork, and sportsmanship. Our well-equipped facilities provide a platform for a variety of sports, and our dedicated coaches guide students to discover and enhance their athletic potential. From competitive events to recreational activities, we believe in promoting a healthy and active lifestyle, making sports an integral part of the holistic education we offer."


Sports - Designed to develop both physical and mental discipline, our archery initiative provides students with the opportunity to learn and master this ancient sport. Under the guidance of trained instructors, students cultivate skills such as concentration, coordination, and a deep appreciation for the art of archery.


Nurture a mindful school community with our daily afternoon meditation sessions. Providing a peaceful interlude, these sessions offer students and staff a chance to recharge, refocus, and enhance overall well-being. Through guided meditation, we cultivate a harmonious atmosphere that encourages mindfulness, resilience, and a balanced approach to the challenges of daily life."


The creativity and innovation of our school projects, where students engage in hands-on learning and showcase their talents. From science experiments to artistic endeavors, our projects foster critical thinking and collaborative skills. Visit our website to witness the diverse range of projects that reflect the dynamic and enriching educational experience we offer.

Sports Day

From thrilling races to friendly competitions, a day dedicated to celebrating the spirit of athleticism and sportsmanship. Our students showcase their skills, determination, and teamwork, creating memorable moments that embody the vibrant energy of our school community